

I’m a BSc Computer Science graduate that’s currently completing the Software Engineering master’s programme at the University of Amsterdam. I also work as a full time .NET Software Engineer.

My interests include .NET, Microsoft Azure, data science, CTFs, visualisations, Haskell, and video games. More about me personally can be found on my LinkedIn profile.

This blog will serve as my personal knowledge base in a sharable format. The topics I write about can vary greatly, but most of them will remain in the technology domain (i.e. software & hardware).

Previously, most of the things I have written down were mostly scattered around Notable.md, Github Gists, or Trilium Notes on my Synology NAS . Having this blog as my only (public) publishing format forces me to be clear and concise while remaining thorough and detailed about the information I am trying to provide.

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Thank you for reading!